Here are some tips to survive in Vasavi

1)At vasavi, life is all about attendance.
2)The first few lectures of a module will always look easy don't fall for it!
3)Bullshitting is our way of life. don't be embarrassed about it.
4)Don't haggle about the canteen food. Get used to it
5)When you don't feel like listening to a lecture, fake it!
6)Don't act cool after faking a medical certificate. Truth is, the faculty knows but doesn't give a f##k about you.
7)Nights are more productive than days
8)It's easier to be awake till 6 am than to wake up at 6 pm.
9)Stop fooling yourself by saying "This is my last episode before I study".
10)The place where security guards,peons and lab assistants have more attitude than faculty members.
11)'Weekend-Studies' conundrum:
 Friday-C'mon! It's Friday.
Saturday-What's Sunday for?
Sunday-WTF! next weekend for sure.
12)'Going to a library' and 'Studying in a library' are two very different things.
13)We are all dead if GOOGLE starts charging per 'Ctrl-C'.
14)No matter how hard you try, your first year marks will remain the highest.
15)If 'studying' for you means half an hour of reading followed by 3 hours of internet, you are truly an Vasavian.
16)It is better to leave your room unlocked than leaving your laptop with facebook logged in.
17)To whomever it may concern... There are many other ways to get attention besides asking silly doubts during lectures.
18)Canteen items: Irrespective of their names, they all taste the same.
19)Beware... There are probably more rumours than rules in vasavi.
20)Learn to cook Maggi it will help you survive.
21)Let us not even talk about Wi-Fi here.
22)Life was much better when A and B were just alphabets.
23)Leaving a Counter Strike game in between is like committing a cardinal sin.
24)Never f##k with people who handle your grades.
25)In the morning, that 5 minute extra sleep is a must!
26)Books recommended by lecturers can never be found in the library.
27)There is 90% probability that the money lent by you in vasavi is never returned.
28)Never underestimate the backbenchers
29)True story..being up-to-date with latest soaps is more important than being with your coursework.
30)Don't think you are cool because you are an Vasavian. It should be the other way around.
31)Mass Bunking... The parameter which defines the unity of a class.
32)If she wants your notes, she just wants your notes. Nothing else!!
33)At vasavi, grades for assignments are awarded based on the size of the file.
34)It is not always good that the lecturers know your name.
35)The probability of a topic coming in an exam increases exponentially if you decide to leave that topic.
36)At vasavi, a friend in need is a pain in the a##.
37)Exasperated: Sitting through the entire lecture and the lecturer says 'No attendance for today's class'.
38)Believe it or not.. No doubt that assignments are copied from single source.. but grades of every student vary as it is marked by the face value.
39)No matter how hot you think you look, you'llstill look like a retard in your ID-card photo!
40)No matter how successful you become, you have every right to be jealous of the guy who had a hot girlfriend in college.
41)More library books in your room doesn't guarantee good grades, but it certainly makes for a huge fan.
42)Don't ask your friend who himself is dependent on some other friend to wake you up for a morning lecture. It is a never ending life cycle.
43)Motto towards lecturers.. if you cant convince them, confuse them.
44)There is no need to start one day early as you'll still fall one day short in your submissions.
45)Don't brag about your achievements in school. No one here gives a f##k.
46)There is a discrepancy between procrastination and missing submission deadlines.
47).There is a tragic story behind every person who joined vasavi. Nobody chose to join and if they had, they had been tricked.
48)When they say it is a group project, it means that one person does the work and the rest gets the credit                  
49)If you still didn't get placed chill out! companies don't know how to identify champs like us.
50)Once you start sharing your cosmetics with someone in the hostel, he wont buy it for himself ever after.
51)WE have very good decision making skills. we use those to decide what not to study for exams.
52)How we handle short-term memory loss while giving a presentation: "The next slide will be explained by.."
53)We generally put forward our thoughts using adverbs like "Basically","Actually","Technically","Literally".
54)The first place that comes to everyone's mind when deciding about holiday location: GOA.
55)Leadership V/s Team player
56)The rate at which we study is inversly proportional to the number of hours remaining for the exam.
57)The full form of PPT.
58)The importance of tea and coffee is best understood at 3 AM on the day of the exam.
59)We deliberately start our work on the last day to improve our efficiency.
60)For presentations:Everyone knows only his/her own portion in slides. So all group members,Kindly be present.
61)Mini militia,clash of clans,candy crush and subway surfer.
62)We use line spacing and character spacing to increase the number of pages in our project report.
63)The group member who does not work at all is the one who generally says, "I will collate all the data"