From clearing a backlog to cracking the Oracle Interview: Shaik Suraz's placement story.!!

Oracle​ was the second company that visited our campus, recruiting for their Global Business Units.
The eligibility criteria is 7.0 CGPA (till 3rd year 1st semester).

They conducted written test on their own platform consisting these three sections:
1.Computer science knowledge                                (30 Minutes 30 Questions)
2.English                                                                   (25 Minutes 25 Question)
3.Reasoning                                                              (35 Minutes 35 Questions)

Each section has 3-4 subsections with its own dedicated time limit and there's no negative marking.
156 students shortlisted for further rounds(cse,it & ece).
There is a coding round on the next day on a third party platform.
 Students are asked to code two questions in an hour with easy and medium difficulty.

Q1: Given a string consisting of only 0's and 1's, tell the minimum no.of swaps required to get alternate 0's and 1's. Eg: string: 01101 → answer 2 (convert 0th index to 1 and 1st index to 0)

Q2: Given a string convert it into lowercase if first letter is lowercase and vice versa.
 Eg : string: orACle → answer oracle

Two test cases are disclosed and there are four hidden testcases.
70 students made it further rounds from all 3 branches.

Interviews were scheduled after two days. I gone through 2 technical rounds and 1 part tech
and part hr round.
 Technical​ ​Round​ ​Ⅰ:
 1.Interviewer was super cool and made me comfortable throughout the round.
 2.He started with basic ‘tell me about yourself’. Meanwhile he gone through my resume.
 3.Then he asked about XML. I was shocked for this first question. He continued asking whether
 i did any project on XML.
 4.Then he asked about one of my mini projects, the basic idea, features of the project and how i implemented those features.
5.Basic C questions ‘test a number is even or odd without using modulus operator’,
 ‘reverse a string without using string handling functions’.
 6.Given two numbers divide them into groups of 100.
 Eg: 0 to 99999 numbers into 100 groups Group 1: 0 to 999
 Group 2: 1000 to 1999 …
7.Assume above numbers are row ids, now all row ids should be unique length. Append zeroes
if required.
 Eg: 00000 to 00999
       01000 to 01999
       02000 to 02999

8.How did your college calculate your cgpa?
9.SQL queries: select student name who got max marks, second max marks, any join query.
10.Explain multithreading in Java.
Then he asked any questions for him?
For all coding questions both approach and code were asked. I think he is observing my thought process and whether I can convert my thoughts into code.

Technical​ ​Round​ ​Ⅱ:
This round is conducted after 4-5 hours of first round. I waited with patience and kept my cool.

 I can say this is a rapid fire round as the interviewer keep on throwing questions on me from all
subjects like java, c++, data structures, algorithms, dbms, sql, os. I remember these questions.

1.Mergesort and heapsort differences, heapify procedure.
 2. Method overloading and Method overriding differences,uses.
 3. Multithreading, static, finalize keywords in Java.
 4. String is a palindrome without string handling functions.
5. Differences between inner join, outer join,types of outer join. Write queries for that.
 6. DDL, DML, TCL commands.
7. Semaphores,their types,uses, P and V full forms.
8. 2 puzzles.
Then he asked any questions for him?
 Again for all the coding questions code was asked.

 Round​ ​ ​Ⅲ:
I don’t know whether it is technical or hr round. The rounds are conducted at a slow pace and
this round happened at late evening.
He started with ‘tell me about yourself’ and asked why my cgpa is low? Then he asked my
favorite subject, for which I said OS and he asked questions on OS.
 1. What is OS? Types of OS?
 2. How OS supports multithreading, interrupts, priorities.

 Enough technical stuff, here comes some logical problems.
 3.Average speed while a car covering a distance x to y and types in that.
 4. Two taps take 3hrs and 6hrs to fill a tank. If two tapes are opened simultaneously, what is the time taken. What if someone said you answer is 4.5 hrs?
 5. No.of triangles in a pentagon,hexagon.
6. What is figure you get for x^2 +3x +2=y in coordinate geometry.
 7.General equations for square, circle, ellipse, parabola. I guess he asked me these questions as i mentioned about my maths olympiad in my resume.
8. 7 Bags and 100 coins puzzle.

 For all the questions he is observing my thought process and how i’m arriving at a solution. Interviewer is not worried about arriving at the solution at all, he is concerned only about originality, clarity in your thought. Even i couldn’t come up answers for 5&6 questions and he helped me in the process.

 My take point for cse students: 3rd year subjects are very crucial. Learn them well.It will help for GATE preparation too. Without DS & Algo there is no interview. Be thorough in them. Practice coding regularly. Be clear and creative in your thought. All the very best.

Hope this helps ~suraz